An Oil Pastel Class for Young Artists 8-13yrs


As an art teacher there is always that feeling of wanting to expose younger learners to the colourful world of oil pastels. In my most recent session I had children ranging from 8-13 years and the objectives included not only teaching them methods but getting them excited about art.

Here is a brief of what is taught in this class where we start with the simplest topic on light and shadow. For any artist, it is important to understand how light falls on an object. I explained it simply by drawing with basic shapes that show how to achieve depth by using highlighting and shading then use it to show that flat objects can be given the look of depth. In this way they were able to be amazed with a little shade which makes their illustrations come alive!

Using oi pastels was fun while disseminating key aspects of learning oil pastels. It’s interesting to note that my students’ energy and creativity had the same effect on me as it probably would to step out of the classroom right after the lesson. The fun as well as learning would continue in our next art session, where more of these will be learnt and developed by all of us.

In need of an exciting and informative program for your children? Try to enroll them with oil pastels if you haven’t done that earlier. It is a travel filled with the aura of the creativity, vividness and free space!