Crafting with Sensory Group: Paper Cutting, Pasting, and Printing


As an art educator, I think every kid should have access to a creative outlet that meets their individual needs and skills. We just held an incredibly interesting art lesson that was created especially for the kids in our sensory group, with an emphasis on improving tactile experiences and fine motor skills development.

A simple yet efficient exercise is cutting and pasting paper. The kids were invited to cut shapes, lines, and patterns out of paper that was vibrantly colored using safety scissors. This exercise provides a sensory-rich experience as they feel the textures of the paper and glue, in addition to improving hand-eye coordination.

Their sense of touch was especially engaged by this printing exercise. The children were able to experience a variety of tactile sensations since each material had a distinct texture. They experienced quick visual feedback as they pressed, lifted, and saw the finished print, which was thrilling and satisfying